Welcome to the Support Centre

When are the relaxed sessions at Glow Wild?

Quiet sessions

There will be a quiet session tickets every evening at 4.15pm, which are suitable for visitors with hidden disabilities such as autism. These sessions have only a limited number of tickets available, to make for a more comfortable visit whilst still benefiting from the sensory elements of Glow Wild.


We ask that other visitors kindly respect the quiet sessions and do not book at this time.


Relaxed sessions

Our gentle sessions are adapted for children with special educational needs and disabilities, and/or sensory processing needs. Tickets are limited to 50 visitors, ensuring easy access and a supportive, understanding and welcoming atmosphere for children and their parents or carers.


Dates and Times

4.15pm on Thursday 7 December, Friday 15 December, Tuesday 19 December and Friday 22 December 2023.


We ask that other visitors respect the relaxed sessions and do not book during these limited time slots.