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How do I book tickets for Glastonbury?

Ticket + Coach travel options and General Admission tickets for the 2024 Festival are now sold out. any cancellations will be made available in a resale in the Spring.


Tickets will be sold exclusively at glastonbury.seetickets.com.


You may book up to 6 tickets per transaction by paying a deposit for each person. In order to make a booking you will need the registration number and registered postcode for each person you are booking a ticket for, as well as a valid debit (UK only) or credit card with sufficient funds to cover your full transaction, and all the security information for that card.


Everyone who hopes to attend the Festival would need to be individually registered. Registration closed at 5pm (GMT) on Monday 13th November for the ticket sale period, after which there will be no opportunity to submit/re-submit a registration until after the November ticket sale period. Registration will reopen later in the year.


Please be careful to enter all of your details accurately, as any details that don’t match will cause your transaction attempt to fail.